Section Editor: Miss Lucky Sinha | 26 Jul 2021 6:26am IST


A bold move was taken by the State government of Kerala recently when it required all of its male employees to sign an undertaking form indicating that they will neither encourage nor accept dowry in the event of a marriage. The State has issued numerous key directives in a circular dated 16th July 2021, all of which were aimed at resolving the growing concern about dowry killings in the state. The circular was issued by the Department of Women and Child Development, which is in charge of administering and coordinating efforts connected to the dowry ban across the state. As a result, it was decreed that every government employee must submit to the Head of the Department a certification declaring that he or she has not received dowry following their marriage.

The declaration must be signed by the employee's wife, father, and father-in-law. All department heads, including those from private companies, autonomous organisations, and other organisations, were instructed to collect the aforementioned declaration from their employees within one month after their marriage. They were also obliged to acknowledge receipt of the circular and to submit a report on the declaration to the District Dowry Prohibition Officers on a six-monthly basis, before the 10th of April and October of each year, to the District Dowry Prohibition Officers in their respective districts. The District Dowry Prohibition Officers have also been instructed to provide a report detailing all of the departments that failed to submit the required declarations by the 15th of April and October of each calendar year. As an annexure to the circular, the format for the declaration and the report that were to be filed were also attached as attachments.

Additionally, it was decreed that the 26th of November of each year would be honoured as Dowry Prohibition Day across the state. Furthermore, students in schools, colleges, and other educational institutions were instructed to take part in the general assembly on this day by administering a pledge not to give or accept dowry.

Section Editor: Miss Lucky Sinha | 26 Jul 2021 6:26am IST

Tags : #NoToDowry, #GovernmentEmployees, #WomenWelfare

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