News By/Courtesy: MAAHI TRIVEDI | 31 Jul 2021 12:42pm IST


  • Nevertheless, the Court has clarified that because of non-payment of fees no student shall be prevented from attending online sessions or taking examinations or leaving the school.
  • The Court granted an interim ruling on 17 July in which 40% of the tuition fees were received by the non-assisted private universities.
  • In Indian School, Jodhpur and Ors.r v. State of Rajasthan and Ors. , in which the SC had no jurisdiction to compel reductions of private schools by national authorities under Disaster Management Act

On Friday, the High Court of Madras allowed private unaided schools to collect 85% of the yearly tuition payable in the current academic year, i.e., from 2021-12 for six payments to parents who experienced no financial damage during the epidemic. The Court, however, made clear that, because of fees not paid, no student is prevented from attending online lessons or examinations or is dismissed from the university. Judge D Krishnakumar adjudicated, on 20 April 2020, a set of petitions in protest against an order issued by a government of Tamil Nadu that restricted state (unassisted) private schools to obliging students or parents to pay the academic year 2020-2021 fee and other outstanding duties during the lockout period. Some parents have filed complaints saying that schools received 100% fees without having to provide online lessons or offer other services. The Court has found, in the light of the conflicting statements, that the ongoing epidemic has also severely affected not just pupils but private schools.

"Private schools suffer especially since many people find it difficult to even pay for their staff, and others, as well as other employees, have also had to temporarily end their faculty's services in co-curricular and extra-curricular fields. Schools have been instructed not to charge transport costs, development fees, etc. tuition price from parents exclusively ", noted by the Court. The Court also noted that several institutions claimed that tuition payments were impossible for them to even collect before the Court and that virtual classes had increased expenses. Schools must offer instructors, who do not have a necessary infrastructure to conduct online lessons, with computers and network access. So it is exceedingly difficult to exist in schools with minimal budgets, the Court noted. It goes without saying that it's incredibly tough to survive in schools with a moderate budget. Covid-19 is a financial challenge for parents as they cannot pay the fee due to lockdown, or for reasons such as income loss, unemployment, the closure of businesses by lockdown, and parents' request to pay fees because classes are being held online." The Covis-19 pandemic posed a significant financial challenge.

Section Editor: Miss Lucky Sinha | 01 Aug 2021 10:07am IST



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