News By/Courtesy: Vaishnavi Rastogi | 29 Jul 2024 20:46pm IST


  • The Quad's focus includes counterterrorism, infrastructure, STEM education, health security, climate change, and cybersecurity.
  • Commitment to upholding UNCLOS and promoting a free, open maritime order in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
  • Emphasis on cybersecurity, software security culture, and enhancing connectivity through resilient infrastructure.

Quad Nations Reaffirm Commitment to a Free and Open Indo-Pacific, Emphasize Comprehensive Collaboration

The Quad Nations' commitment to upholding a free and open rules-based international order was reiterated during the Quad Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM) in Tokyo, Japan. The Quad, which consists of the US, Australia, India, Japan, and the United States, has broadened the scope of its agenda to include counterterrorism, infrastructure development, capacity building, STEM education, HADR, critical technologies, cyber and health security, and climate change. The objectives of the Quad have been to uphold international law, namely the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), foster practical collaboration across several domains, and improve HADR capabilities and marine domain awareness. A Quad Maritime Legal Dialogue has also been started by the Quad to improve coordination and cooperation with partners in the region. The Quad's dedication to technological collaboration and cybersecurity is a big step towards improving the security of the area. The Quad envisions a more peaceful, wealthy, and stable international order in the future.

The Indo-Pacific region's security, prosperity, and sustainable development are the goals of the Quad, a coalition of cooperating nations. They seek to foster collaboration on matters including cyber security, vital and emerging technologies, health security, climate change, infrastructure, humanitarian aid, maritime security, and debt relief. They are in favour of an open, prosperous, and stable Indo-Pacific region supported by strong regional institutions, notably the unity and centrality of ASEAN. They stress the necessity of peacefully resolving marine conflicts as well as the significance of adhering to international law, especially the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). They are dedicated to upholding and expanding the open and free maritime order in the Pacific and Indian oceans, strengthening ties with neighbouring countries, and encouraging the growth of a reliable, secure, and extensive telecommunications infrastructure. They also acknowledge the significance of a more accessible, stable, open, safe, and peaceful internet as well as the revolutionary potential of new technology.

The Quad partners are dedicated to enhancing software security culture and encouraging cybersecurity in IoT goods. They are dedicated to preventing foreign manipulation and tampering with information while also safeguarding the information environment. They are dedicated to supporting the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda and stress the role that women and girls play in preventing conflict and promoting peace. They are dedicated to organizing operations for responding to disasters and assisting partner governments and community-led efforts to mitigate natural hazards. They demand that terrorist organizations be immediately targeted and denounce both terrorism and violent extremism. They support advancements made possible by the Quad Partnership for Cable Connectivity and Resilience and are dedicated to enhancing connectivity via the construction of resilient infrastructure. Additionally, they hold the second tabletop exercise on pandemic preparation as part of the Quad Health Security Partnership and stress the significance of enhancing health security in the area. They are dedicated to fostering accountability for terrorist attacks and international collaboration.

Southeast Asian public health experts are to be trained by the Quad Health Security Partnership to handle local health crises. Improving climate and renewable energy cooperation in the Indo-Pacific area is the main goal of the Quad Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Package. Increasing the region's capability for climate data is the goal of the Quad Climate Information Services Initiative. The Quad also highlights how crucial space-related technology and applications are to the Indo-Pacific region. The UN demands that the Korean Peninsula be denuclearised and denounces North Korea's proliferation of nuclear weapons. The UN urges inclusive discussion as a peaceful means of resolving the political, security, and humanitarian issues in Myanmar. The Middle East's peace and stability are goals that the UN shares.

The terror acts on October 7, 2023, as well as the Gaza humanitarian catastrophe, have been denounced by the UN. They demanded an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all captives detained by Hamas. Additionally, they condemn the Houthi's continuous attacks against foreign and commercial ships that are passing through the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, which threaten the security of both the vessel and the people on board and destabilize the area. The UN is dedicated to bolstering the multilateral system and its institutions, and estates its commitment to the UN Charter. Additionally, the UN is dedicated to pursuing a comprehensive agenda for UN reform, which includes increasing the number of permanent and non-permanent UN Security Council seats. The Quad is reiterating its commitment to an open and free Indo-Pacific area. The collaboration aims to give other nations real advantages. Despite China's recent increased military showmanship, the Quad seeks to maintain independence, peace, and prosperity in the area.

Section Editor: Kadam Hans | 01 Aug 2024 18:24pm IST

Tags : #Quad #IndoPacific #Collaboration #UNCLOS #Cybersecurity #Infrastructure #HealthSecurity #ClimateChange #MaritimeSecurity #ResilientInfrastructure

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