News By/Courtesy: Daksha varshney | 11 Aug 2021 21:48pm IST


  • Following the NCTE's judgement, roughly 3,000 institutions seeking ITEP registration had their applications and application fees returned.
  • The Court went on to say that the order would apply to everyone, not only the five institutions that had filed petitions in the case.
  • According to the Court, the NCTE had encouraged applications for ITEP through the publishing of a public notice in 2019.

The Delhi High Court has ordered the National Council of Teachers of India (NCTE) to take efforts to enable institutions to begin implementing the Integrated Teacher Education Program in 2022-23. [Order of Reading] 'The question cannot be kept unresolved indefinitely,' the Court observed, noting that 3,000 schools had applied for recognition of Integrated Teacher Education Programs before the NCTE chose to postpone the decision. The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has been ordered by the Delhi High Court to review applications by schools seeking recognition for Integrated Teacher Education Programs (ITEP) in a timely manner so that these institutions can begin ITEP in the academic year 2022-23. The Court was hearing petitions from five institutions who had been harmed by the NCTE's decision to postpone the introduction of ITEP for the academic years 2020-21 and 2021-22. Following the NCTE's judgement, roughly 3,000 institutions seeking ITEP registration had their applications and application fees returned. The Court then went on to say: "Whatever decision the NCTE makes, it must do so in a timely manner so that the petitioners' applications for the academic year 2022-23 can be processed." The NCTE will process the petitioners' petitions in advance of the decision, if necessary, and subject to the petitioners' compliance with any changes in the regulatory environment. It is made clear that the NCTE will make the final decision on whether or not the institutions will be granted approval. The current instructions are for processing applications in accordance with the applicable regulatory regime in order for institutions to begin the ITEP in the academic year 2022-23 if they are found compliant”. The Court has ordered the petitioner-colleges to follow the NCTE's instructions for the consideration of their applications for the academic year 2022-23, as well as to deposit the application costs as requested by the NCTE. The Court went on to say that the order would apply to everyone, not only the five institutions that had filed petitions in the case. Rather, Justice Jalan has ordered that the current order be issued to all 3,000 colleges that requested for ITEP recognition in the first place. According to the Court, the NCTE had encouraged applications for ITEP through the publishing of a public notice in 2019.

Section Editor: Khushboo Kejriwal | 13 Aug 2021 16:24pm IST



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