News By/Courtesy: Daksha varshney | 27 Aug 2021 17:44pm IST


  • A man's anticipatory bail request in a money laundering case involving the theft of funds for Uttar Pradesh's National Rural Health Mission Scheme was denied by the court.
  • The case included the theft of funds intended for Uttar Pradesh's National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) initiative.
  • The Court, on the other hand, made it clear that its views would have no bearing on the case.

Economic criminals may be able to utilise their large proceeds of crime to persuade witnesses: The Allahabad High Court has denied the defendants anticipatory bail A man's anticipatory bail request in a money laundering case involving the theft of funds for Uttar Pradesh's National Rural Health Mission Scheme was denied by the court. The Allahabad High Court dismissed the anticipatory bail request of a man charged in a money laundering case [Pankaj Grover v. Directorate of Enforcement] on Thursday, observing that economic criminals are solely concerned with personal gain at the expense of "irreparable" harm to society. Pankaj Grover, a former "sleeping" director of M/s Surgicoin Medequip Pvt. Ltd., has filed a petition with the court.

Grover and his father are accused of conspiring to hide the "proceeds of crime" from the money that was allegedly laundered. The case included the theft of funds intended for Uttar Pradesh's National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) initiative. After learning of the commencement of the current procedures under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, the accused allegedly “secretly” sold half of the industrial properties, according to the agency. The written orders issued by the father to his son, which were discovered during the search, indicated that they were in possession of goods obtained from the proceeds of crime, according to the charges. The agency claimed to have taken possession of such homes in 2017. The profits of crime were assessed to be worth Rs 21.20 crore, according to the inquiry. The applicant's lawyer contended that the investigating authority submitted the current complaint after an eight-year period had passed from the date of the Enforcement Case Information Report (ECIR).

The petitioner was claimed to have supported the investigation as and when instructed, and that it was unnecessary. Such a criminal, described as having "contemporary criminality," was said to be respected and influential, with "position, prestige, standing, and means," putting him in a position to sway investigation and prosecution processes, tamper with evidence, and pressurise witnesses. The Court noted that the shift in society had sparked a "total change" in the "nature, cause, manner, rate, and impact of crime on individual members of society" and the community at large, describing socio-economic criminals as "economically sound and belonging to an elite class." The Court, on the other hand, made it clear that its views would have no bearing on the case.

Section Editor: Miss Lucky Sinha | 27 Aug 2021 23:35pm IST


Tags : #Anticipatory Bail #Allahabad High Court #Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 #NRHM

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