News By/Courtesy: Daksha varshney | 29 Aug 2021 19:18pm IST


  • anything offered or done as a token of goodwill to pacify someone whose primary worries or expectations have not been satisfied.
  • The Supreme Court of India has announced that physical hearings with a hybrid option would begin on September 1, 2021.
  • Once the AOR/petitioner-in-person has decided on a physical hearing, It will not be possible to communicate with the party in question via video/teleconferencing.

[BREAKING] From September 1, the Supreme Court will begin holding physical hearings with a hybrid option, allowing attorneys to select between virtual and real hearings. anything offered or done as a token of goodwill to pacify someone whose primary worries or expectations have not been satisfied. According to the SOP, all counsel appearing for one side can attend in person or by video/teleconferencing in a matter scheduled for a physical hearing (with hybrid option). The Supreme Court of India has announced that physical hearings with a hybrid option would begin on September 1, 2021.

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) has been established by the Court's Secretary General. Physical hearings will be confined to final/regular hearing issues on non-miscellaneous days for the time being .i.e. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. "The final hearing/regular matters listed on non-miscellaneous days may be heard in the physical mode (with hybrid option), as determined by the Hon'ble Bench, taking into account the number of parties in a matter as well as the limited capacity of the Court rooms; further, any other matter may be heard in the physical mode on such days, i.e. All other cases, including those mentioned on the miscellaneous days, will be heard by video/teleconferencing "According to the SOP. Importantly, the SOP stated that in any such case scheduled for a physical hearing (with hybrid option), all counsel representing one side can attend in person or by video/teleconferencing.

The SOP states that within 24 hours/ 1:00 PM the next day after the publication of the weekly list of final hearing/ regular matters, Advocates-on-Record must register on the Supreme Court portal and submit their preferences for appearing before the Court either in person or via video/teleconferencing. Once the AOR/petitioner-in-person has decided on a physical hearing, It will not be possible to communicate with the party in question via video/teleconferencing.

Section Editor: Miss Lucky Sinha | 30 Aug 2021 9:21am IST


Tags : #Supreme Court of India #Virtual Courtroom #physical hearing #hybrid hearing

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