News By/Courtesy: Daksha varshney | 07 Sep 2021 15:19pm IST


  • He requested temporary bail on the grounds that, being the family's only male member, he was responsible for planning and attending his niece's wedding.
  • As a result, he requested temporary release in order to make plans and attend the wedding.
  • The charges against Ali were described as very severe in the ruling, although bail was requested since his niece's wedding is scheduled for September 12, 2021.

[Riots in Delhi] A man accused of rioting and murder has been granted temporary release in order to attend a family wedding. He requested temporary bail on the grounds that, being the family's only male member, he was responsible for planning and attending his niece's wedding. Because he was the sole male member of his family, a man charged in a case related to the Delhi riots of February 2020 was granted temporary release to attend a wedding in his family. However, as it was a riots case filed under Section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code, Additional Sessions Judge Amitabh Rawat clarified that the case was not covered by the guidelines of the Delhi High Court's High-Powered Committee.

“Because this order was issued for a particular amount of time to fulfil marriage and associated responsibilities, the accused must positively submit after two weeks from the date of his release,” the Court instructed. However, due to his imprisonment and subsequent absence from home, the wedding was postponed for financial concerns. The Court was informed that the family was unable to prepare for the wedding due to a lack of finances while the accused was away. As a result, he requested temporary release in order to make plans and attend the wedding. In the event that he was granted temporary bail, the accused agreed to surrender to the Court or prison as ordered. The Special Public Prosecutor claimed that the wedding card and other documents on file had been verified and found to be accurate. However, he noted that if interim bail is granted, the accused should be ordered to surrender because it cannot be extended automatically.

The charges against Ali were described as "very severe" in the ruling, although bail was requested since his niece's wedding is scheduled for September 12, 2021. Ali was told not to contact any of the witnesses or tamper with the evidence, and he was also told not to leave the NCT of Delhi without authorization. He was also told to provide the investigating officer his phone number and to keep his phone turned on. “The accused is also required to contact the Investigating Officer on a daily basis. The accused must surrender himself to the concerned Jail Superintendent upon the expiration of the two-week interim bail, who will then file a report to this court,” the Court ordered.

Section Editor: Miss Lucky Sinha | 08 Sep 2021 7:40am IST


Tags : #Bail #Murder #Delhi Court #interim bail #Delhi Riots #amitabh rawat

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