News By/Courtesy: Kadam Hans | 22 Jul 2023 0:28am IST


  • India's position in international law has evolved significantly since gaining independence in 1947.
  • As one of the world's oldest civilizations and a rapidly emerging global power,
  • India has actively engaged with international legal frameworks to promote its interests, uphold principles of justice, and foster peace and cooperation on the international stage.


India's position in international law has evolved significantly since gaining independence in 1947. As one of the world's oldest civilizations and a rapidly emerging global power, India has actively engaged with international legal frameworks to promote its interests, uphold principles of justice, and foster peace and cooperation on the international stage. This article explores India's role in international law, its historical context, key principles, participation in international organizations, and its contributions to shaping the global legal order.

Historical Context:

India's engagement with international law can be traced back to its early history, where it played a significant role in trade and cultural exchanges with neighbouring regions and civilizations. During its colonial era, India was subject to the British legal system, which influenced its modern legal framework. After gaining independence, India embarked on a path of asserting its sovereignty and participating actively in international affairs.

Key Principles of India's International Law:

  1. Non-Aligned Movement (NAM): India has been a prominent member of the Non-Aligned Movement, which advocates for independence, sovereignty, and non-interference in the internal affairs of nations. NAM seeks to maintain a neutral stance in the Cold War era and promote cooperation among developing countries.

  2. Peaceful Resolution of Disputes: India has consistently supported the peaceful settlement of international disputes, emphasizing dialogue, negotiation, and adherence to international law and the United Nations Charter.

  3. Respect for International Law: India upholds the principles of international law, including the sovereignty of nations, territorial integrity, human rights, and the peaceful use of outer space and nuclear energy.

  4. Multilateralism: India firmly believes in multilateralism and has been an active participant in various international organizations and forums to address global challenges collectively.

India's Participation in International Organizations:

  1. United Nations (UN): India played a crucial role in the formation of the UN and has been an active member since its inception in 1945. It has contributed troops to UN peacekeeping missions and has held multiple non-permanent seats on the Security Council.

  2. International Court of Justice (ICJ): India recognizes the jurisdiction of the ICJ and has been involved in several cases, both as an applicant and respondent, seeking peaceful resolution through judicial means.

  3. World Trade Organization (WTO): As a member of the WTO, India actively participates in trade negotiations and advocates for fair trade practices that promote the interests of developing countries.

  4. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): India maintains cooperation with the IAEA while upholding its stance on nuclear disarmament and the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

Contributions to Shaping International Law:

  1. Environmental Law: India has played a significant role in advancing environmental protection on the international stage. It was one of the early signatories of the Paris Agreement and has been actively engaged in global climate change discussions.

  2. Nuclear Disarmament: India advocates for global nuclear disarmament and has been instrumental in promoting the idea of a nuclear weapons-free world.

  3. International Human Rights: India supports the promotion of human rights globally and engages in various human rights forums to address concerns and share its experiences.

  4. Counter-Terrorism Efforts: India actively collaborates with other nations in counter-terrorism efforts and advocates for stronger international cooperation to combat terrorism effectively.


India's position in international law reflects its commitment to global peace, cooperation, and the promotion of shared values. As a leading member of the international community, India embraces multilateralism, respects international law, and actively participates in various international organizations and forums. Through its principled approach, India has made significant contributions to shaping the global legal order, advocating for environmental protection, nuclear disarmament, human rights, and the peaceful resolution of disputes. As India continues to rise as a global player, its role in international law is likely to grow in significance, shaping a more just and prosperous world for all nations.


Section Editor: KADAM HANS | 22 Jul 2023 0:30am IST


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