In the Hathras-rape case the victim's lawyers, in conformity with the rule of laws and natural justice principles, on Saturday appealed to Police Director General (Uttar Pradesh) to carry out a renewed departmental investigation against Circle Officer (Sadabad) Ram Shabd. Senior Advocate, Vrinda Grover is, by means of representation, requested to invoke criminal law for "deliberately sabotage" criminal investigation under Sections 166A, 192, 201, and 218 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and of Section 4 of the 1989 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Act. She claimed that Ram Shabd's departmental inquiry is furious and unlawful, without respect for the principles of natural justice.
The gang rape and assassination of the Dalit Hathras victim was led in September 2020 by the circle officer (Sadabad) Ram Shabd and the commission recording the name of the four accused despite a clear declaration by the victim and their family. It says that Shri Praveen Kumar, IG (Meerut Zone), has summoned victims' families to record their statements in connection with his departmental investigation against Ram Shabd. But the IG did not appear. Officer Ram Shabd himself recorded their statements, manipulating and misleading the statements in favor of himself and the accused in the Special SC/ST Court in Hathras. In the absence of the IG, the representation is concerned that the officer has not been monitored and unattended.
The representation further alleges that the statements on the officer's dictation have been recorded and the record was distorted, manipulated, and falsified. While in the absence of the investigator, the three family members of the deceased victim were deposed, they were not read and explained, but instead forced to put their thumbnails on it. The photograph further mentions the limited participation of the family of the deceased victim in an investigation; her mother is an alphabet, her dad's eye is poor, and her brother hasn't studied outside of school. The delegation seeks to seriously sabotage the investigation of police officers who claim the right to discrimination and arbitrariness in State actions that are constitutionally guaranteed. In addition, it says that police complicity does not violate the right to respect principles of natural justice and the right to a fair investigation in quasi-judicial proceedings. The DGP, Uttar Pradesh, is waiting for a reply. In March 2020, the High Court of Allahabad investigated the family and lawyers of the victims; complained of the threats in open court.
Tags : #rape #gangrape #dalit #hathras #policeoffier
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